Animation Reel
A compilation of my animations
Animated breathing exercises
This charming guy never got used in the project I designed him for, but I like him, so I'm going to show him off here.
The Plumber
A pixelated short story from Super Mario Odyssey
Grover Talks
3D animated commercial for the Kentucky Lottery
Fuzzy's Vodka
:30 spot for Fuzzy Zoeller's vodka brand
Splash screen animations
UI Animations
Inhales & Exhales
UI animations
My submission for Animade's Twerky animation challenge
Falls City Beer
Product renders created in Cinema 4D
Several animations of my pup, Penny
Animated visual concepts for Breathwrk's breathing classes
Break Through Barriers
My submission for one of 11 Second Club's monthly competitions
My submission to DC in Motion's annual Frames of Fear collaboration of Halloween creatures
Looping animations for an unpublished project
McDonald's Cheeseburgers
3D animated spot for McDonald's
Monopoly Car
3D model I made of the famous car
3D animated spot for LEGO Brick Sculptures at the Louisville Zoo
Polar Bear
Walk and run cycles for a polar bear cub
Happy Guy
I animated a series of commercials for the Kentucky Lottery's former mascot
Frazier Pirates
An animated commercial for the Frazier History Museum's pirates exhibit.